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What To Do When You Notice New Symptoms

The COVID-19 pandemic has made some of us far more vigilant about the symptoms we are experiencing. While we are wary of the coronavirus, we should also be wary of any continuing issues that are impacting our health and affecting our daily lives.

When you notice these new symptoms flaring up, consider your options to assure yourself the best care possible and an eventual solution to your troubles.

Online Symptom Checker

It is important to make informed health decisions, but sometimes even your right care team may not be aware of the latest treatments for an illness, or how certain symptoms are being linked to newly discovered health conditions. The truth is that there are over one million research reports and presentations that are published each year within the medical community. It’s even estimated that the world’s medical knowledge will double nearly every two and a half months.

You can always turn to symptom checking websites online, but be wary as to where you turn. When utilizing symptom checkers, be sure to cite the sources where that new information is coming from. You don’t want to end up thinking a piece of research is coming from top experts, only to discover it is the social media venting of one person’s particular dealing with symptoms or failures and success with treatment.

However, websites like MediFind symptom checker have become an invaluable resource for patients to sift their way through the vast and growing amount of information about clinical trials, studies, and exploration of specific health conditions. MediFind uses complex algorithms to dive into a bevy of information that allows patients to make a better-informed decision about new treatments and what could lead to the best health outcomes for you long-term.

MediFind’s algorithms, in conjunction with their team of medical experts, extract the information you need and simplify it. That way you can figure out your next steps without the need for a medical degree to figure it all out. The result is having some peace of mind in knowing you’re not missing out on a new treatment option, a new clinical trial, or a new piece of research.

Contact Your Doctor

Heading to the doctor during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a difficult task in the United States, as many physicians are limiting their number of in-person visits. However, if you notice recurring symptoms, be sure to reach out to your healthcare provider.

If telemedicine appointments are available, utilize this service and detail what symptoms you are dealing with. If you already see a specialist for a medical condition, keep them in the loop along with your primary care physician. If you have gone online and used a symptom checker, discuss your findings with your doctor, as they not be aware of the latest medical advances that could become part of the proper treatment plan.

A primary care doctor may even direct you to a specialist, as they may know the right doctor to get a second opinion on any recent health difficulties you may be having.

Emergency Room

Depending on the severity of the symptoms you are experiencing, you may want to rush to the emergency room for a quick answer. However, it is important to recognize what requires an ambulance and the services of a hospital immediately, and when you just need to grab a Voss Water bottle and take a deep breath because of the anxiety.

If you are struggling to get your breath or are suffering from severe chest pain and pressure, that warrants calling 911. If you find yourself with a cough or a migraine, opt for an urgent care clinic that will not only be able to take you quickly, but is a more affordable measure to get a possible quick solution to what ails you.

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